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Submitted by courtney.corbin on

4-6th Grade

2nd Grade

Kindergarten Sumens

Kindergarten Bradford

4th Graders Help Kindergarteners ROCK!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on
Fourth grade students buddied up with our kindergarteners to study the properties of rocks! Students measured, weighed, scratched, floated and drew different aspects of their rocks. This is a great way for students to collaborate with each other because both grade levels study rock properties as part of their core. Many students discovered their rocks could float, had rough texture and were all different shapes and sizes! Way to go kindergarteners for using the scientific method!!!

Taylor Teachers Collaborate

Submitted by courtney.corbin on
Students may have gotten out of school early on Monday, but teachers used this opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of professional development. Teachers spent time collaborating on a variety of topics including Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions, Trustland Fund budget ideas, guided math program development, standards based report cards as well as analyzing math, language arts and Dibels testing data to adjust instruction. This was a much needed time for teachers to sit down with one another and begin planning and implementing great ideas into the classrooms at Taylor!