Taylor's Fifth-Grade Fraction Frenzy!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor's fifth-grade teachers love to engage their students in learning.  The students in Ms. Marlayne Harward, Mrs. Robin Provstgaard and Mr. Ien Richin's classes have been studying fractions and spent time testing their knowledge of :"equal parts of a whole" using real life objects....frosted cookies!   Students were challenged to use their thinking to frost certain portions and reason with one another which equivalent fractions they had frosted.  Thank you teachers for making fractions part of the students' lives at Taylor!

Ahoy there, Maties!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor's kindergarten students in Mrs. Treana Kober and Mrs. Courtney Mayhew's classes make the hallways brighter each day.  One of the exciting things the students get to do in kindergarten is study maps.

Taylor's December Students of the Month

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary's December students of the month get to enjoy a fancy lunch of pizza and soda with Mr. Daybell.  These students were chosen by their teachers because they make great efforts in academics and behavior choices each day in their classrooms.  These students have set a high standard at Taylor School for others to admire!  Way to go Taylor Tigers for setting the bar high!  

Students of the month for December are.....

Kindergarten: Swade Olsen, Nathan Prettyman, Joshua Stevens 

Taylor Hosts Impressive Student Art Museum

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

S.E.P. night was recently held at Taylor Elementary.  Not only was this a chance for students and parents to sit down with their teacher and discuss progress, goals and accomplishments, but an amazing art gallery was showcased as well. Mrs. Patten, Taylor's talented art teacher, transformed her classroom into an art gallery that displayed student work throughout the term.  This was a favorite for many to visit because students were able to show off the talents they've been developing in visual arts.

Taylor's Second Grade Performs Reader's Theatre

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Students in Mrs. Becky Anderton's class work hard every day in reading.  One of the concepts focused on in second grade is expression in fluency.  Mrs. Anderton's classes perform a Polar Express reader's theatre.  Students practice reading different parts focusing on smoothness while using appropriate voices and expression. Parents are invited to watch student perfomances showing off their talented reading abilities.  Mrs.