National Anthem Monday

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on

We always love Mondays and when our very own students sing the National Anthem. Today we got the privilege of having Carson Farrer, Rachel Caron, and (parent) Tara Caron sing it. Way to go! 
#taylortigers #taylorelementary #roar #nationalanthem #empowerstudents #neboschooldistrict #bekindtooneanother

Jade Muhlestein

Taylor Elementary Penny Wars

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on

It's Game Time! It's that time of year where we want to help families in our community who are struggling and could use the extra help. This whole week November 18-26th each grade level will be competing against the other grade levels to raise the most money! 

Jade Muhlestein

5th Grade Program

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on

We started our Veterans Day with an awesome Patriotic assembly put on by our 5th graders. Thank you to all Veterans past and current for the sacrafices you make!

#taylortigers #taylorelementary #roar #veteransday #america #thankaveteran #bekindtooneanother #neboschooldistrict #nebohero #studentsuccess #empowerstudents 

Jade Muhlestein

Motivational Speakers Amberley Snyder and Taylor Snyder

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on

Our Taylor Tigers had the chance to hear from motivational speakers Amberley Snyder and Taylor Snyder. Amberley is Professional Barrel Racer and Taylor Snyder is a Professional Baseball Player. They came and talked to the students about chasing their dreams. Teaching them to "Never Give Up" and "Always Work Hard." They both shared their stories about who they are and how they got to where they are now!

"When something hard comes our way it's OUR choice on how we handle it." ~Amberley Snyder

Jade Muhlestein

October Tiger Pride Assembly and Top Tigers of the Month

Submitted by jade.muhlestein on

Our Tiger Pride Assemblies are something the students look forward to each month. This is when Top Tigers (students) from each class are picked by their teacher for going above and beyond in class. We also have Leaders of the Pack (teachers) who are picked for going above and beyond. We do lots of singing, dancing, presenting students and teachers with awards, and having a fun time. 

Jade Muhlestein