Turkey Gobble Off!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor held their annual Thanksgiving Gobble Off where a student from each class competed for the "Best Gobble".  Mr. Cornwall, Mr. Marvin and ROARY the Tiger judged the contest and selected winners from each grade level to win an amazing turkey hat. This is an exciting assembly for students to watch especially when the teacher's competition begins. ROARY the Tiger judged the teacher contest and chose Miss Lopez as the teacher winner!  

Happy Thanksgiving! 


Submitted by billi.robbins on

Let the fun begin!  Our Penny Wars will begin the MONDAY we come back from Thanksgiving Break. 

Why: Taylor Elementary will be participating in their annual Penny War to help raise money for needy families in our area. This money will be used to purchase food and clothing.

When: November 28th to December 1st