Taylor's Book Fair

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor school recently hosted a book fair in the gym for an entire week!  Students were able to preview and purchase books that appealed to them.  On one of those nights, families were invited to come to the school, enjoy delicious donuts and check out what the book fair had to offer.  This was a great evening to see some of the latest books that are out. Some favorite books included, "Diary of a Whimpy Kid". "Vampires", "Club Penguin" and "Fancy Nancy" .

Taylor's Art Gallery

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

S.E.P. night was recently held at Taylor Elementary.  Not only was this a chance for students and parents to sit down with their teacher and discuss progress, goals and accomplishments, but an amazing art gallery was showcased as well. Mrs. Patten, Taylor's talented art teacher, transformed her classroom into an art gallery that displayed student work thoughout the term.  This was a favorite for many to visit because students were able to show off the talents they've rbeen developing in visual arts.

Taylor's Second Grade Visits Farm

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Students in Taylor's second-grade had a fun-filled day recently because they were able to visit the Equestrian Park in Lehi.   This was exciting for students because they saw  a lot of animals such as pigs, goats, sheep, horses and cows.  The students were also able to watch a collie herd sheep!  These second graders are now farming experts because they learned about nutrition, farm safety, as well as facts about cows, honey bees, and where flour comes from.  The favorite event of the day was when students each made their own seed neckl

Taylor School's Annual Fall Carnival

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor School recently hosted their annual Fall Carnival.  Students and their families filled the halls and classrooms and enjoyed an evening of games and food.  Some of the favorites were, 'Toilet Paper Toss', 'Face Painting', 'Golf', 'Fish Pond' and 'Pin the Nose on the Witch'".  Along with the games and prizes, gift baskets were created by the classes that were auctioned off to raise money for the school's leveled library. 

Taylor Students Say NO to Drugs

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Students at Taylor Elementary were encourage to "Say No to Drugs" druing Red Ribbon Week.  Students participated during the week by dressing up for themed days.  Themes included, Dream Big, Get Hooked on Books, Be a Team Player, and Being Drug Free is Sweet.  Each classroom in the school decorated a bulletin board with a drug-free message to share.  Students at Taylor are encouraged to remember that Red Ribbon Week doesn't just last for  a week, it lasts for a lifetime. Many thanks go to Mrs. Phena Brown and Mr.