Taylor First Grade Celebrates Folkales

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary loves learning about Folktales.  In first grade, students were delighted with the chance to read and celbrate a well-known legend, John "Appleseed" Chapman. Jonny Appleseed was a nurseryman who introcuded apple trees to large parts of our county and became an American legend.  First graders spent the day reading poems about apples, having a story read by Principal, Frank Dayblell, had group dicussion and writing time about folktales, as well as eating apples celbrating Jonny Appleseed.    What a great day in first grade! 

Taylor Kicks of Reflections Contest

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor School is very excited about the Reflections Contest this year.  To kick off the contest,  PTA representative Heather Taylor along with the PTA Area Rep held an assembly to announce this year's theme of, "Diversity means....."   Students are encouraged to enter in the different areas of photography, dance, drawing, music and other mediums.  Taylor students are full of creative ideas and are excited to  to get going their projects.  Information packets were sent home on Wednesday, Sept 22, and entries are due by October 19th.  If you h

Mr. Adams' "Space Academy"

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Mr. Adams, Taylor Elementary's school counselor,  loves visiting classrooms.  One of his favorite things to do is to use picture books to convey his message and one of his favorites is "Personal Space Camp", by Julia Cook.  In this book, the character, Louis, learnes all about what "personal space" means.  In the story, Louis is sent to the principal's office and thinks he's learning about space suits, lunar landings and outer space. However, he soon finds out what personal space camp really means. 

Taylor Students are Net Smart!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor students learn about and use computers on a daily basis to better their education.  Now students are even smarter with computers because they know how to stay safe on the internet. A "Net Smart" assembly was held to teach the classes the best ways to stay safe when "surfing the net".  Remembering how to keep personal information private, knowing which sites are safe, and letting parents know what is being viewed are all ways Taylor tigers choose to stay away from internet predators. 

Taylor Inspired to Dream

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades had a chance to meet LaMarque Ward who founded the Cincinnati Dream Academy in 2007 after successfully playing basketball nationally and internationally. Along with Mr. Ward came several of his collegues including children’s book author, Kobie Wilkerson.   Students were inspired to each have a dream that is based upon hard work and integrity.  Fifth grade teacher, Ms.