December 2016

All American Christmas at Taylor

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Today third graders performed their annual Christmas performance of an 'All American Christmas' for both parents and student body. This is always a special treat for the school to watch because these students have worked so hard on learning songs, dances, and musical instruments. This tradition has been a part of Taylor's Christmas celebrations for more than 12 years! Thank you third grade teachers for making this a favorite time of year!

Taylor's 5th Grade History Fair

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Students in 5th grade have been studying the history of the United States, as well as informational writing.  Each student completed a research project on an infuential person in American History.  Students presented their information during the annual "Fifth Grade History Fair".  Each fifth-grader completed a research paper, an informational poster, an artifact and presented their finding in a well developed speech for the parents and students of Taylor.  The highlight of the event was seeing the students portraying their historical figure in costume!  

Taylor Traditions at Christmas

Submitted by courtney.corbin on
Taylor school's parents are pretty special. During the month of December several classes have invited parents to visit and share special family traditions that are done during the holiday season. This is always a fun time for students to share some of the special things they do in their own homes with each other. Parents have talked about how to make homemade candies, read favorite Christmas stories to students, made gingerbread houses and even shared favorite Christmas drinks! Thank you parents for being so supportive of our school and sharing your family's traditions with us!

Mt. Nebo Jr. High Choir Performs at Taylor!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor students were delighted to hear a Christmas Choir Concert performed by legendary choir teacher, Mr. Russ Sumens from Mt. Nebo Jr. High.  Students from 4 different choirs entertained Taylor tigers by singing Christmas songs such as "Feliz Navidad", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and "Little Drummer Boy".   They also sang some silly songs such as "Grandma's Killer Fruit Cake"  and and a confusing "12 Days of Christmas".  The choir ended their concert by singing a special dedicated song to Kindergarten teacher, Mrs.

Taylor 6th Grade Orchestra Christmas Concert

Submitted by courtney.corbin on
Taylor's sixth-grade orchestra students delighted the school with their first parent program. Under the direction of Mrs. Drager, this is Taylor Elementary's largest student orchestra group that is open to sixth-grade students. Students that are involved meet before school starts and are expected to practice each night at home. The school was amazed to hear the talented musicians play traditional favorites as well as a few Christmas songs. Several students were even given the chance to debut as soloists. What a fun musical treat for Taylor School!

Former Taylor Tiger, Brandon Flowers, Included his Favorite Taylor Teacher on Christmas CD

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Lead Singer, Brandon Flowers, & Ned Hansen The Killers band released their 11th annual Christmas single this month — a rendition of Bing Crosby’s, “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”. This is a duet between lead singer, Brandon Flowers, from Payson, Utah, and his fourth grade teacher in Nebo School District, Ned Humphrey Hansen. Brandon said, “That year, one teacher stood out from the rest.


Taylor Basketball Game

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Parents of 3-6th grades. Please return this note giving permission to attend the field trip to the BYU women's basketball game on Dec. 7th. 5th grade parents signed permission slips for this at the beginning of the year (unless your child recently moved in) #beenheresince1866 #manytigersoneroar #taylormeansfamily #BYUbasketball