Dear Taylor Tiger Families,
Taylor Tiger Champions:
If any of you are wondering how you can help our surrounding communities during their evacuation, here is a great way!
September 17th is our Night of Champions!!!! 5:30-8:00 pm on the school field! This flier should have come home with your student last week with information about ticket pre-sales, food vendors, Life Flight times, auction items and more! It will be a night to remember! #beenheresince1866 #manytigersoneroar #taylortraditions #taylorptaisthebest #taylorchampion #neboschooldistrict #taylormeansfamily
Professional storytelling favorite, Donald Davis, spoiled the 4th, 5th and 6th grade classes with some of his favorite tales! He even spent time with the 5th grade classes teaching them how to develop their personal experiences into amazing tales! #beenheresince1866 #manytigersoneroar #taylortraditions #donalddavis #storyteller #lessonsonwriting #neboschooldistrict
You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers! Information about available community resources can be found in a helpful brochure in our front office! Come pick one up today! #beenheresince1866 #manytigersoneroar #taylormeansfamily #communityresources