February 2019


Submitted by billi.robbins on

Monday, March 4th will be a district minimal day. All students will be dismissed at 12:00pm. Our lunch hour will run approximately 1 hour early (10:40-11:40am) and as always, school lunch will be available during this time. If you do not want your child to eat school lunch because of afternoon plans we would encourage you to send them with a snack and ask them not to select to eat. This will allow our lunch department to plan enough but not too much food for those students who want to eat.


Book Fair Countdown!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Can you believe we have less than three weeks until our Book Fair!? It’s going to be Dino-Mite!!! #taylormeansfamily #beenheresince1866 #bookfair #manytigersoneroar #scholasticbookfair

March 4-8 is National School Breakfast Week!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Come eat breakfast every day at school, but especially during National School Breakfast Week!   Our lunch ladies and Mr. Marvin absolutely LOVE seeing our tiger's faces bright and early each morning!   Every day there are multiple options for your kids to choose from to enjoy!   

Breakfast is every morning from 8:30-8:55 in the lunchroom!  

Kindergarten Registration Moving to Summer

Submitted by billi.robbins on

Dear Parents and Guardians:

This message is for parents who have children entering kindergarten this fall. Please forward this to anyone who needs this information but may not receive this email.


Kindergarten registration, traditionally held in March, will be moved to the summer and combined with grades 1-12. More detailed information regarding summer K-6 registration will be sent out to you before the end of the school year.