Taylor School Remembers 9/11

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

September 11th, 2001 is a day that has been etched into our memories forever.  In honor of that day, and the importance of what it represents, Mrs. Robbins invited the entire school out front to show our respect for the fallen victims of 9-11.  After a moment of silence to lower the flag, singing the national anthem, and reciting the pledge, Mrs. Robbins spoke of the importance of kindness.  Kindness towards each other, ourselves and neighbors.

Taylor Teachers Learn from Each Other

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor teachers love to share their teaching talents with one another.  Two of Taylor’s biggest experts are Mr. Cornwall and Mrs. Wride. They love to get into classrooms and pass on their knowledge in math, reading, writing, phonics and technology. Both teachers and students enjoy learning new skills passed on by these experts. 

Second Graders MATTER!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Second grade classes have been diving deep into science this year! This week, the classes have been studying the properties of matter.  Students used their scientific thinking skills to sort objects into different categories based on the properties they had in common! We can’t wait to see what these second graders will discover next!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

We’ve welcomed some of our tiniest tigers to school this week! Our kindergarten classes in Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Wickel and Mrs. Platt’s classes officially joined the Taylor legacy.  Kindergarteners made it through their first week of school with success! They have learned how to line up, use crayons, and to cut with scissors.  They also made a few new friends along the way!
We are looking forward to a successful kindergarten year!