Taylor Elementary Believes

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary is known for being involved in helping others in need, specifically with the Make-a-Wish program.  Janna Manookin has a special drive to raise awareness in the school about the benefits of this special cause.  One of the many ways Taylor does this is by participating in Macy's department store's 'Believe' program during Christmas time.  Taylor Elementary partnered with Payson High School's Latinos in Action group and wrote over 3,000 letters to Santa as well as telling why it is important to believe in the season.  The letters were turned in to Macy's s

Taylor Elementary Visited by Clark Planetarium

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor's students were recently delighted with a visit from Clark Planetarium.  Students were excited to watch experiments involving magnetism, electricity, air pressure, and atoms. The planetarium challenged students minds and made them rely on the scientific process to predict what was going to happen next.   Students were invited to participate in these science activities and were amazed at the final experiment which involved a large fire explosion from a balloon.  A favorite was being able to hold an actual meteorite!  Thank you Clark Planetarium

Taylor's November Students of the Month

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary's November students of the month get to enjoy a fancy lunch of pizza and soda with Mr. Daybell.  These students were chosen by their teachers because they make great efforts in academics and behavior choices each day in their classrooms.  These students have set a high standard at Taylor School for others to admire!  Way to go Taylor Tigers for setting the bar high!  

Students of the month for November are.....

Kindergarten: Jaynie Davis, Chelsie Isaac, Victoria Liddle

Taylor Elementary Holds Olympics

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor sixth-grade and faculty competed in the fifth annual Olympic Games. The student body was treated to the thrills and spills of Taylor's very own version of the Oympics.  Sixth-grade students have been studying about early civilzations beginning with early man, moving up to ancient Egypt, and the Nile River Valley.  For the past month, students have been learing about the origins of democracy and the ancient Olympic Games.

Taylor's Reflection Contest a Success!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary recently participated in the Reflections Contest which was themed, “Diversity Means…”  Entries were turned in by many students in visual art, photography, 3D art, Literature, Music, Dance, etc. Students’ entries were shown in a slideshow in a school-wide assembly.  Winners were selected by a panel of judges and those students were awarded a trophy as well as the chance to have their entries sent to the district level for judging. 

Kindergarten Celebrates 11-11-11 at Taylor!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor kindergarten students in Mrs. Treana Kober and Mrs. Courtney Mahew's classes celebrated November 11th in many ways. They started the day by writing eleven words from around the room.  Then Mr. Daybell came by to share eleven things he is thankful for. Students were silent for eleven seconds, found out how far eleven steps can take us, ate the number eleven (two stick pretzels), divided the classes into groups of eleven, wrote the letter 'T' eleven times and had eleven-year-old buddied come and share stories with the classes! 

Taylor Elementary's Second Annual 'Turkey Calling Strut' Contest

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary recently held and assembly featuring some hidden talents among the students.  Each classroom elected a student to particpate in the second annual 'Turkey Calling Strut' contest.  Students had a chance to strut across the stage and perform their best turkey calls in front of the school.  Team-Leader teachers voted on the winners from each grade level.  A lot of fun was had by students especially when teachers had a chance to strut their talents for the school.  Winners were awarded a frozen turkey from Taylor's fantastic PTA members. 

Taylor's Second Graders Enjoy Feast

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Second-graders at Taylor Elementary in Ms. Becky Anderton, Mrs. Wendy Grill and Ms. Heather Talbot's classes enjoyed an authentic Thanksgiving feast in the gym.  The second grade teachers read the book, 'Stone Soup', to their classes and then delighted them by actually cooking a pot of stone soup.  Students each brought in ingredients to contribute to the soup and then dressed in Pilgrim and Indian costumes to create the 'First Thanksgiving' and shared a meal together.  This event is certainly something that students remember throughout their time at Taylor.

Taylor Elementary Hosts Singer, Songwriter, Steve James!

Submitted by courtney.corbin on

Taylor Elementary's halls were recently filled with music coming form the entertaining Steve James' musical perfomance.  Steve James is a singer/songwriter who wrote music specifically for the "Prevention Dimension" program wich teaches students to be drug and alcohol free by finding other alternaitves to enjoy.  He is always a delight for Taylor school and the students love to sing along with songs they're familiar with while watching his amazing fun-filled performance.